Brompton Park Daily Occurrence Report

Equipment On Site
Shift Check List
Name & flat number of recipient
Please note time, location and incident
Park patrols are to be completed at the start of all shifts and then continuously done every 2 hours until the end of your shift. Note the time of which you start/end each shift & what issues, if any were discovered.
External Park Gate Locked
External Park Gate Open

Tick below which internal gates are open or locked

Internal Gate 1
Internal Gate 2
Internal Gate 3
Internal Gate 4
Patrols are to be completed at the start of all shifts and then continuously done every 2 hours until the end of your shift. Note the time of which you start/end each shift & what issues, if any were discovered.

Tick below which block entrances are successfully locking or not locking when closed 

Door 001 - 012
Door 013 - 026
Door 027 - 044
Door 045 - 059
Door 060 - 071
Door 072 - 130
Door 131 - 142
Door 143 - 160
Door 161 - 166
Door 167 - 184
Door 185 - 190
Door 191 - 202
Door 203 - 220
Door 221 - 226
Door 227 - 285
Door 286 - 291
Door 292 - 305
Door 306 - 317
Note any issues regarding the bin storage areas including damage, doors being left open or litter/trash left outside